Those who choose our Geniuses series can meet internationally renowned pianists such as Evgeni Koroliov, Pierre-Laurent Aimard, Dina Ivanova, János Balázs and Ljupka Hadzi-Georgieva, hear the unique violin playing of Gidon Kremer and Kristóf Baráti, and the chamber music scene is provided by the Keller Quartet and Concerto Camerata, the chamber orchestra of Concerto Budapest, adds to the concert palette.

BARTÓK / BEETHOVEN / R. STRAUSS // Baráti / Szűcs / Fenyő / Balázs / Keller

bérletekÁ la carte, Geniuses

BACH / MOZART / BRUCKNER // Koroljov / Hadzi-Georgieva / Keller

bérletekÁ la carte, Geniuses

DVOŘÁK // Aimard / Keller

bérletekÁ la carte, Geniuses, Signatures

HOMMAGE À SHOSTAKOVICH // Ivanova / Sebestyén / Keller

bérletekÁ la carte, Geniuses, Signatures


bérletekÁ la carte, Geniuses

SCHUBERT // Keller Quartet and the solist of Concerto Budapest

bérletekÁ la carte, Geniuses, Signatures